Jordan's Museums Official Website

The Jordan Museum

The national museum of Jordan, The Jordan Museum aims to preserve, and present, the country’s rich cultural heritage. A gateway to Jordan’s tourism, the museum is a learning center that shares knowledge in many engaging ways. This knowledge is kept up-to- date through ongoing research for every section the museum offers, from gallery exhibitions to conservational and educational programs.

The museum tells the story of innovation that spans through 1.5 million years of Jordanian history and archaeology. The exhibition narrates Jordan’s story from the Paleolithic period (Old Stone Age) up to a more recent period of time through several chronological and thematic exhibitions.

Valuable and timeless pieces of Jordanian art are placed in specially made, aesthetic displays. Examples of said pieces include the 9,700-year-old “’Ain Ghazal Statues” (the oldest human statues in the world), the famous Dead Sea Scrolls, among many other historical finds.

photo gallery

  • GovernorateAmman

  • Opening Hours

    Saturday - Thursday9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Friday3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

    Tuesday Closed


  • Accessible for people with disabilities

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