Jordan's Museums Official Website

The Jordanian Museum of Traditional Costumes and Jewelry

It was established in 1974 on the eastern side of the Roman Theater in ʻAmman. The purpose of creating it was to gather Jordanian and Palestinian traditional heritage from all Jordan regions in order to protect and preserve it from disappearing, so that it is displayed for future generations, especially because it constitutes the national and folk identity that distinguishes the Jordanian citizen. In addition, these ornaments and costumes are associated with local cultures, customs, traditions, handicrafts, as well as popular mythology that weave a special story of Jordan civilization.

photo gallery

  • GovernorateAmman

  • Opening Hours

    Summer8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

    Winter8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    0788361540 / 0791468644

  • Parking Spot

    Car parking - The new Raghadan complex parking (the courtyard campus)

    Busses: Courtyard Gate

  • Not accessible for people with disabilities

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